What to Expect

The following outlines a typical Sunday-morning service…

We start service at 10 am. One of our MCs will greet everyone and say a prayer and then we'll head right on into worship. We typically sing about 5 songs and worship usually lasts 30-35 minutes... we LOVE worship here at Alive!

After one of our leaders closes out worship, we'll have a short (2-3 minute) encouragement on giving. For those who prefer to give the old-school way, you can drop a check or cash in the offering basket at church. If you prefer to give by credit card or electronic withdrawal from your bank account, you can do so online through RebelGive.

After that, our MC will come up and quickly share announcements and upcoming events. Because we don't want you to miss out on all the fun of course!

Next, Pastor Tim will share an encouraging message that lasts 30-40 minutes. Service is usually over by 11:30 am.

We love to hang out with each other after service! Coffee and goodies are provided for you to enjoy as you visit with each other.

We do communion once a month. You are welcome to participate but do not have to. On communion Sundays, one of our leaders will share a 10 minute message before Pastor Tim's sermon and then we take communion together as a congregation. We don't share the same cup or take bites off the same loaf of bread here ;) Each person who wishes to participate in communion is given their own little cup of grape juice and a small cracker (gluten-free).

We hope that helps give you a good idea of what a typical service looks like but if you have any more questions, please check out our FAQ page or send us a message here.

Of course, not every service is going to look exactly the same every single week. It's important to our leadership that if they feel the Holy Spirit is moving the service in a certain direction, that it be allowed to go there and we not be confined to a schedule that cannot be budged at all. Where one thing may stray from the typical service layout, adjustments are made elsewhere to stay within a normal service time. But we hope this gives you a general idea :)