Got more questions? We've got answers...

  • Where do I park? We have a small parking lot at our building that can fit about 30 cars so space runs out quickly. But not to worry! We've got pretty cool neighbors who let us park in their huge parking lot next-door. Lowe's is located directly north of us and you can park in their parking spots nearest our building if you need to. Also know, we have two designated parking spots outside the building entrance for new visitors :)

  • What do I wear? We're pretty casual at Alive Church but everybody fits in here! If you like to dress in your Sunday best, bring it on! Some of us fashionistas can really appreciate a fancy outfit ;) But if jeans, a sweater, and tennis shoes are more your style, that works great too! We don't mind either way. After all, God himself said in 1 Samuel 16:7, " looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." We're more interested in the heart than your clothing style too.

  • Does the church have regular office hours? Not at this time. If you need to contact us, please see the different ways you can communicate with us here.

  • What's pre-service prayer like? It's a great opportunity to prepare your heart for what God has in store for the service ahead of time as well as come together with other people to lift up our church, our community, and the service. Pre-service prayer starts at 9:15 and ends at 9:45. During that time, we typically gather in groups of 3 or 4 people and then one of our leaders will give us different topics to pray over. We take turns praying in our groups which is why we try not to make our prayers too long so we can give opportunity for other people in our groups to pray if they have something they'd like to pray too.

  • What's worship like? Also... just gotta say it... pretty awesome! Typically, you'll see several worship leaders on the stage as the band plays. The music is pretty contemporary. You'll typically hear songs you may have already heard before on the radio by Hillsong, Elevation Worship, Bethel or Chris Tomlin. Clapping, lifting our hands, and sometimes even jumping (if we jump up off the couch when the Seahawks score a touchdown why can't we jump for Jesus right?) are some ways we express ourselves during worship. You'll see people sitting and standing during worship... do whichever you're most comfortable with.

  • Will I be randomly selected to pray in front of the entire church? Just to put your mind at ease, NO! Unless of course, you're the pastor's kid or someone else we know really, really well that's already used to doing that anyways... then maybe ;)

  • Can you tell me some more about what my children will be doing in kids church? Sure thing! We have nursery available for kids age 0-4 and kids church for K-6. In kids church, they play games, learn valuable lessons through puppet shows, watch TV shows (that are part of our kids church curriculum) that teach them Bible stories, learn Biblical concepts via illustrated sermons, and more. Let us know if you have any questions!

  • I'm a nursing mom. Is there anywhere private I can go to feed my baby? Why yes, yes there is! We have a nursing mothers lounge and there’s a TV in there that streams the service live so you don't have to miss out on anything when baby gets hungry!

  • Will I hear people speaking in other languages or falling down on the floor during service? Probably not. But if you do, allow us to explain... you may have heard of Christians speaking in a different language referred to as "speaking in tongues." Acts 2:1-4 talks about this. Basically, we believe God still gives Christians their own personal prayer language (should they desire it and ask for it) just like He gave the Christians in Acts. While it's not a part of our service to have everybody who has a personal prayer language start praying in that manner, if you happen to hear someone next to you speaking in a language you don't understand... that's what it's about. As for the falling down thing, if you do happen to see that it's usually during an alter call following a message. Maybe you've heard of this referred to as being "slain in the Spirit." That's basically a way of saying someone is so overwhelmed by God's love and they're feeling so touched by His presence in that moment that they can't stand anymore! If you've ever been madly in love with someone, you can probably relate to that weak-in-the-knees feeling right? We realize these kind of things can seem weird if you're not familiar with them, so if you have any further questions let us know here and we'll gladly go into more detail with you.